Debt Management
If you have a lot of debts (maybe from abusing payday loans online?) and cannot handle calls from several creditors, it is worth looking into a debt management program once you know how your credit score looks like (to know more: http://www.creditreport760.com/). They work for you by talking to your creditors one by one and asking to see if some will accept deferred payments. They also advise you on ways to change your financial outlook including making and sticking to a budget and keeping records of all expenses. Most programs make you give up all your credit cards and agree not to use any revolving credit until the program is over, which can take a few years.
Choose local, non-profit programs: There are some predatory programs which take your money and delay making payments to the creditors, worsening your debts. Choose a local program if possible, which has a good reputation with the Better Business Bureau and is licensed to operate in your state. Stay away from programs which have high initial fee or monthly fees. The single monthly payment should be within your budget. Think of it as a casino game, and you want to get an immediate return on your investment.
Get recommendations: Ask around for recommendations from friends, family, colleagues etc. who have been in the same situation and successfully got out of debt. If you have loans from reputed banks or other institutions, they will also be interested in helping you out by providing resources.
Research thoroughly: Do detailed research on the program you are planning to use. There is no magical solution for debt, so avoid programs which promise fast solutions. Look for reputed ones which have membership in organizations like the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC). Choose one which will not only help you with debts, but offer helpful advice for a lifestyle change including workshops, classroom sessions or even personal counseling. Make sure you read the program fully and get a contract which covers all verbal promises.
By using these programs carefully, you can get out of debt and restore your good name.